
Old crafts are slowly dying out. The skillful hands of artisans/artists are being replaced by modern soulless machines. Although good old wooden barrels and casks lag behind in the race with modern wine vessels, without them the final stage of care and storage of wine and brandy is still unthinkable.
Coopers, cachars or pintors (pinters) still practice their trade by repairing old or making new vessels, working mostly with oak, acacia or mulberry wood. Using hammers, graters, saws
and other tools, the workshops of these excellent craftsmen create wooden casks, buklije (canteens), pails…

A little barrel
watercolor by Jelisaveta Papakostopoulos Barjaktarević (1924)

Annual (1939) and Assistant (1933) of the cooper craftsman Slavko Đurin