The change in the social system and the collapse of the joint state caused the decline and the passing of the Serbian wine giants that operated on the territory of the SFRY into history. The establishment of small family wineries marked the emergence of the “New Wine Order” in Serbia. The epicenter is located in Šumadija, where in 1990 . Miodrag Radovanović began to turn his winemaker’s dream of making top quality wines into reality. Two years later, Božidar Aleksandrović began to restore the royal tradition of this region, and his wines with the crown triumphantly entered the Serbian wine scene.

Work by Predrag Koraksić Corax, for the label “Rainy wine 2014”
Cellar Radovanović with the signatures of the author and the winemaker

Božidar Aleksandrović’s extortion, Milutin Dedić’s work with signatures of the author and the winemaker

Books and magazines from modern Serbia

Poster for the first wine salon in Kragujevac in 2015. year

Martin Candir’s photo, which has become a trademark for the International Buyer’s Day, an event that takes place
every year – 14th October

Poster of the association “Women and Wine”

Poster of the Association “Wine Routes of Serbia”

Uniform of the Wine Order of Šumadija